HOOTC Meal Programs begins its 27th season and will run from November 1, 2024 – March 31, 2025. Please visit: hamiltonoutofthecold.ca for full schedule and locations.
Wednesday nights are cancelled and moved to Every Saturday, At 7:00 pm at 170 Brockley. It is not a league but drop ins. Contact Bonnie at: 905-561-4344 or 905-962-2373
Free Tai Chi Classes at Neighbour to Neighbour, 310 Limeridge
Mondays, from 1:30 to 2:30 pm until March 3rd at 10-310 Limeridge Rd. West. Learn the Essentials of Tai Chi Movements with deep breathing to calm, promote health and wellness. Contact Krista to register: kdaoust@n2ncentre.com
Branch 163 Legion is happy to announce Karaoke is back on Friday nights with Gord after fish fry, from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm at 435 Limeridge Rd. E. Call: 905-387-4515 for more details.
We are happy to announce that the clubroom will be open Wednesdays from 12-4 pm and 6-10:30 pm. in addition to our regular weekly hours. 435 Limeridge Rd E. For more details: 905-385-3733
12:00 to 4:00 pm and 6:00 to 10:30 pm R.C.L. Branch 163, 435 Limeridge Rd. East https://cable14.com/events
Hall Rentals - Royal Canadian Legion Branch 163
435 Limeridge Rd. East. Please call Krysten at: 905-385-3733 for more details on Hall Rentals. For weekly activities check our Facebook page.
Every Friday night from 4:00 to 6:30 pm at 435 Limeridge Rd. E. Meal prices from $10.00 to $14.00 coleslaw and taxes included. For more information call: 905-385-3733